February 19, 2025


Sapiens Digital

We could see a “high resolution image” of a UFO within two years

Professor Avi Loeb won’t rest until the scientific community starts to take UFO research more seriously.

In a new interview with The Guardian, the Harvard professor said we may be mere months away from seeing the first image detailed enough to provide incontrovertible evidence that UFOs are alien spacecraft.

That’s because he aims to capture a “high resolution image” of a UFO within the next two years, he explained, with the aid of a large team of scientists and a vast network of cameras and telescopes.

An empirical investigation into UFOs

Loeb has gained great public attention in recent months and years for his confident claims on the existence of advanced alien lifeforms. Last year, he founded the Galileo Project, which aims to provide evidence for alien technology by building a global network of telescopes, cameras, and computers to allow it to investigate UFOs.

The announcement of the Galileo Project came shortly after the Pentagon released records of UFO footage to the public last year. At the time, Loeb said, “what we see in our sky is not something that politicians or military personnel should interpret, because they were not trained as scientists, it’s for the science community to figure out.”

Loeb has also drawn attention for his comments on ‘Oumumua, the first-ever interstellar object observed by telescopes. In a 2021 interview with IE, Loeb claimed that a number of scientists had reached out to him privately to say they agreed with his claims that ‘Oumumua may have been a probe built by extraterrestrials — however, they wouldn’t agree publically for fear it would harm their careers. 

Now, the Harvard physicist says he wants to cause a seismic shift in public perception by providing new evidence for alien technology via his Galileo Project. “I really want the next generation to be free to discuss it, and for it to become part of the mainstream,” Loeb said in his interview with The Guardian. “My hope is that by getting a high-resolution image of something unusual, or finding evidence for it, which is quite possible in the coming year or two, we will change it.”

Galileo Project’s cameras will start rolling this summer

Loeb’s Galileo Project is comprised of a team of over 100 scientists. According to the Harvard professor, the project’s first telescope will start operating from the roof of the Harvard college observatory this summer. It will keep infrared cameras, a radio sensor, audio sensor, and a magnetometer rolling 24/7. “We’re taking a road not taken so there may be low hanging fruit, that nobody else picked because it was not taken,” Loeb told the Guardian.

Many skeptics would argue that in a world full of smartphone users ready to start rolling their cameras at the slightest odd encounter, we really should have seen more detailed UFO footage by now. In effect, Loeb is aiming to put that argument to rest by looking to the skies from various points on the globe 24/7. If he and his team do manage to provide compelling data, the world will suddenly have to start taking UFO research much more seriously. And that probe mission designed to catch up with ‘Oumuamua using solar sail technology might also suddenly be fast-tracked to completion.

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