February 14, 2025


Sapiens Digital

Remote Work Will Never Be the Same, And That’s a Good Thing

(Photo: Shutterstock)

You hear the word “pivot” a lot in business, particularly in the tech industry. The thing with pivoting, though, is that if you do it enough, you find yourself back where you began. 

In Silicon Valley, origin stories often begin in garages that morph into business parks and campuses that serve as shorthand for technology. Until now, when COVID-19 quarantine has driven everyone into their homes.

It will take a vaccine and a considerable amount of time before the world begins to resemble anything familiar. Even then, with so much time spent away from offices and the concept of them as necessary being debunked, the way we work now could become the new normal. 

“For some companies, the investments they’ve made to support working from home are likely to be sustained moving forward and result in a complete culture shift,” says Kelly Reynolds, department chair of community, environment, and policy at the University of Arizona.

With quarantine orders still in effect in most states, Twitter declared that working from home will become the new norm for most of its employees. Twitter Chief Marketing Officer and Head of People Leslie Berland tweeted about the company’s decision: “Decentralization and remote work was a top priority for us pre-COVID. We’ll continue to learn and improve to make the experience even better, but it starts with empowering people to work where they feel most creative, comfortable, and safe.”

For some companies, working from home has long been the norm. Jody Thompson, co-creator of the Results Only Work Environment management strategy, tells us that for the companies she’s worked with, it’s business as usual. 

The Exaggerated Death of Telecommuting

The ability for knowledge workers to work from home was developed by Silicon Valley but not exactly encouraged by it, particularly in the past decade. Companies that had openly welcomed remote work, even those at the forefront of having employees telecommute, changed their policies—sometimes abruptly and to much criticism. 

In 2013, within a year of becoming president and CEO of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer put an end to the company’s work-from-home policy. A memo from the head of HR read, “We need to be one Yahoo!, and that starts with physically being together.” The move was part of a turnaround Mayer hoped to effect at the troubled company. 

Marissa Mayer, then-president and CEO of Yahoo, at the Salesforce Dreamforce 2013 conference. (Photo by Kim Kulish/Corbis via Getty Images)Marissa Mayer at the Salesforce Dreamforce 2013 conference. (Photo by Kim Kulish/Corbis via Getty Images)

It was seen as a controversial act both inside and outside the company. But despite all the bad press Mayer received and the lack of positive impact on Yahoo’s bottom line, IBM followed and ended its long-standing work-from-home policy in 2017. The move was unexpected, since the company had developed technology that allowed some of its workforce to work remotely and had touted in 2009 that 40 percent of its workforce worked from home. And in 2014, IBM published a whitepaper that found only upsides to the practice. And yet after 20 quarters of decreased revenue, CEO Ginni Rometty changed protocol: IBMers were given the choice of either working in an IBM office or quitting. 

These decisions were predicated partly on the belief that colocation is necessary for collaboration. “Some of the best decisions and insights come from hallway and cafeteria discussions, meeting new people, and impromptu team meetings,” the Yahoo memo read.

That’s not necessarily the case, though. Open offices, which have found favor in many workplaces, can actually hinder interaction. A study by The Royal Society found that the more people could see their colleagues, the less they talked to them about work and the more they took to written communication. After converting to an open-office environment, employees in the study sent 56 percent more in-office emails over 15 days, received 20 percent more such emails, and were cc’d on another 41 percent.

Workers in an open office setting (iStock / Getty Images Plus)(Stock / Getty Images Plus)

Thompson said collaboration flows naturally when employees are aware of exactly what is required of them: They will then seek out and work with the people they need in order to achieve their goals. 

As for that other worry about employees working from home—productivity—the preponderance of research about productivity has found that employees get far more done when they work from home. Anita Kamouri, vice president and co-founder of workplace service firm Iometrics, said despite the suboptimal conditions of working from home during this pandemic, employees surveyed by her firm reported being less distracted and better able to focus at home. 

Katharine Zaleski, co-founder and president of recruiting platform Power to Fly, said to bear in mind that coping during COVID-19 is not what remote work is like traditionally. “Remote work is the option to be able to work from anywhere that makes you more successful as a person overall, and that’s just really important to remember, because that’s getting lost in this crisis,” she said. 

Shutterstock photo of a couple talking in hallway(Photo: fizkes/Shutterstock.com)

A month after the Yahoo policy was announced, Mayer admitted at the Great Place to Work conference that while people are “more collaborative and innovative when together,” they’re more productive when they’re alone. In an interview with PCMag, Gernot Wagner, a climate economist at New York University, added that the largest benefit of employees working from home is a happier, more productive workforce.

The New Normal

Companies have been forced to embrace working from home for all but “essential employees” required to be onsite. And it’s changed some minds, Kamouri said.

“Mid-managers who were previously the most resistant to the idea of remote work have now experienced that it can be a positive and productive way of working, and are more likely to be supportive,” Kamouri said. 

Thompson echoed this, saying that such managers were used to managing people, not work. “Now they are forced to see that people can work in different locations and still get work done,” she said.

Examinations of best practices and effectiveness are, for now, out the window. But when all this is behind us, companies that assess how they were able to operate during this quarantine might elect to make telecommuting a regular practice. 

“On the positive side, a lot of companies are seeing how productive their employees are as well, and how less stressful it is to allow them to work from home,” Zaleski said. “Less stressful on the employees, obviously, and their families, but also just on the company’s needs and just the environment.”

Part of the argument for remote work lies in the trek employees make to the office and home every day. Commuting is an expensive, exhausting endeavor that depletes employees and the environment. Eradicating it provides a collective benefit.

subway riders(Photo: stockelements/Shutterstock.com)

The time people spend commuting increases every year, according to US Census data. In 2018, 14 million workers had a commute time of over one hour to work. And during the time they spend commuting, people have to contend with poor infrastructure. New York City’s infamous transit delays were responsible for a loss of $864,000 for city commuters and $257,000 for non-city commuters in 2017, according to the New York City Independent Budget Office. 

The longer an employee’s commute, the more likely that employee will not show up for work. A German study found a 20 percent higher rate of absenteeism for those with long commutes as compared to those with no commute. 

“People have been kind of used to sitting in the rush traffic every day,” Thompson said. “That kind of stress and anxiety becomes almost like a drug in a way; you get used to that every day, that stress level. Now we’ve all stopped that, and it takes a while for people to let go of that stress, but they’re just thinking how ridiculous it is that we all go out and sit in the rush traffic every day when it’s not necessary.”

All this is assuming an employee can even afford to live in the vicinity of a city that has enough jobs to consider such a commute worthwhile. 

“It’s so prohibitive to live in these big cities right now where a lot of companies are requiring people to live; you will get a more diverse candidate pool as a result if you go outside those cities. And I think that will then follow with, obviously, more talent who didn’t get access to those roles before,” Zaleski said. 

Though IBM presented its offer to employees to shift their jobs from homes to IBM offices as a choice, for many, there wasn’t really any choice; reporting every day to a company office would mean a move for them, often to an expensive city. The Bay Area housing crisis was caused by   tech companies that pushed out people who lived there for decades and spawned new crises, including a teacher shortage. Even, say, engineers at Google have trouble affording the astronomical housing prices and elect sometimes to live in vans instead

line of RV vans(Photo: Sundry Photography/Shutterstock.com)

Those who do manage a move to a major metropolitan area for work still have to factor in a hefty transportation allowance. A survey by LendingTree looked at the cost of commuting in 100 major cities in the United States. Those in San Francisco spend nearly $12,000 a year just to get to work. New Yorkers spend just under $10,000. If you’re using time as money as a calculation of cost, people in Fremont, California, spend, on average, $49 a day. 

Companies that rely on knowledge workers who can easily do their jobs from home hold the power to return cities to diverse, thriving populations where teachers, truck drivers, and artists can all afford to live. Just imagining such a thing gives you a sense of space and expansiveness. It’s not illusory, because it would also be literally easier to breathe in such cities. We’ve all seen the maps and memes of what has happened to the air and water that surround us, as people have been forced inside by quarantine.

“Some large cities have documented dramatically reduced rates of air pollution the weeks following stay-at-home orders,” Reynolds said. 

“Working from home means less commuting,” Wagner said. “All else equal, that’s good.”

“All else equal” means that newly non-commuting people don’t increase their carbon footprint in other ways, such as buying more house than they need in the suburbs. 

Transportation of all kinds accounts for nearly a quarter of global CO2 emissions. Commuters often have little choice about how they can get to work. But even if they make a concerted effort by using tools like Map My Emissions, which calculates how much CO2 commuting options generate, it’s hard to beat the zero emissions generated by walking from one room to another. 

Closing the Door on Open Offices

The other pollution we encounter when we occupy offices is the air inside those offices. Even when a return to workplaces is possible, expect to hear an echo in open-plan office spaces. Just take a glance at a seating chart for a South Korean call center that the CDC released to show how COVID-19 can spread, and you’ll realize that the most popular of office designs is the most dangerous to public and individual health. On just one side of the building, among 137 closely packed seats, 80 employees became sick with COVID-19.

CDC open office seating chartSource: CDC

“With so many of us working from home, the risk of an infected person transmitting a pathogen to others is dramatically reduced,” Reynolds said of our current situation. “In addition, if someone does become ill, notifying their contacts is much easier when the number of people they have interacted with is minimized.”

COVID-19 is symptomatic, so to speak, of how illness thrives in an open office. A Danish study found that those in open-plan offices took 62 percent more sick days than those who occupied single offices. Reconfiguring offices post-pandemic will involve mass purchasing of office dividers, the installation of surfaces that are easy to clean, and HVAC systems that can reduce airborne transmission

There is another form of pollution that lurks in offices, and it is not so silent: noise. A tiny bump (10dB) in a bit of noise can mean a productivity dip of 5 percent, according to research by Joshua T. Dean, assistant professor of behavioral science at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. While noise can’t be completely eliminated in homes, particularly those with young children, it can be mitigated more easily.

Quarantine has been hard on parents, since they’re responsible for every aspect of their child’s day, including education. But the ability to work from home in more “normal” times can cut down on the considerable cost of childcare. Working parents in California can expect daycare to cost 17.6 percent of their salary, according to a report from Child Care Aware of America. Single parents, most of whom are women, can spend up to 36 percent of their salary. 

A lack of childcare options that can fit in with working in an office have long been responsible for removing women from workplaces. A 2018 Center for American Progress survey found women are 40 percent more likely than men to have childcare stand in the way of their careers. When workplaces reward hours spent in the office with advancement, women lose out. 

When employees have the autonomy to work from wherever they want without asking permission, there is more gender parity, Thompson said. Since women are often the ones who need some flexibility in their hours, they are unfairly seen as less committed. “It makes them look as though they’re not as dedicated, even when they’re getting just as much done.”

This is when women are hired at all, particularly for tech roles in which a large gender gap still exists. Hiring remotely benefits diversity of all kinds, according to Zaleski. “In many ways, meeting someone in person can be very misleading, because you’re valuing the person based on their body language, what they look like, how they dress, all markers that really can disadvantage huge numbers of the population who can’t simply look the way that sort of our ideal candidate has been ingrained into people’s heads,” she said. “We all know there’s a huge amount of bias in hiring.”

Will We Ever Go Back?

young woman in company meeting(Photo: fizkes/Shutterstock.com)

If we’ve learned anything from COVID-19, it’s that nothing occurs in isolation. All of the factors above that affect employees also affect their employers. 

Companies can’t recruit the best talent if those people can’t afford to get to their jobs. Climate change is expected to cost public companies $1 trillion in the next five year. Retrofitting workplaces to reduce germ transmission is pricey and prohibitively so for many smaller businesses. And child care falling through added up to $13 billion for American businesses last year. 

Kamouri said research conducted by Iometrics and Global Workplace Analytics shows that employees want to return to the office for interaction and camaraderie. But they also want to continue working from home at least on a part-time basis, preferably two to three days a week, when the pandemic is over. 

“We’re done with the 20th century,” Thompson said. “We have to start focusing on what matters, so that people—men, women, everybody—can take care of their lives, not have the office take care of their life or their manager take care of their life.”

Companies considering their plans to reopen might take this into account and find it’s a financial benefit to them at a time when they are likely scrounging for any path to savings. “It may well save them a lot to not have to maintain as much office space in midtown Manhattan,” Wagner said. 

We have all had to learn to be more flexible in the past few months, and the workplaces of our near future will have to do the same. The good news? It’ll likely be a win-win situation for everyone.

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