February 12, 2025


Sapiens Digital

Razer THX Spatial Audio App – Review 2020

Simulated surround sound is a common feature on high-end gaming headsets, but it almost always requires a USB connection, putting the audio processing through a separate physical device that serves as a sound card. Razer and THX have teamed up for an alternative that lets you enjoy simulated surround on any gaming headset or pair of headphones connected to your PC over USB, 3.5mm, or even Bluetooth. Razer THX Spatial Audio is a $19.99 Windows 10 app that adds simulated surround to your audio device of choice, and provides extra features like 10-band EQ, bass boost, and voice enhancement. It’s a flexible, powerful app that’s easy to use and configure, and worth considering if you don’t already have those features available on your current headset. That earns it our Editors’ Choice.

How It Works

Razer THX Spatial Audio works by taking all of the audio that would be sent to your headset, and adding a layer of processing to it that enables simulated surround sound, EQ adjustments, and other effects. It does this by creating an additional audio output device in Windows called Speakers (THX Spatial). Set Windows to output all sound through Speakers (THX Spatial), then choose your headset (or headset port) in the Output Device menu of the Razer THX Spatial Audio app. Any audio Windows outputs will then be sent into the app, which will output the processed audio to your device of choice.

This is different from the $15 Dolby Atmos for Headphones feature through the Dolby Access app, which simply adds an audio processing layer to your selected audio device, effectively taking it over instead of creating a virtual device for the processed audio. It also offers more customization and audio processing options.

The app can work with any gaming headset or headphones you connect to your Windows 10 PC. Because it functions by processing any audio that is output through a detected audio device in Windows, it can add processing to a headset connected over a USB cable, a 3.5mm cable, a USB wireless adapter, or even Bluetooth. The app enables both simulated surround sound and EQ adjustments on any audio device. Because it’s a Windows 10-only app, it doesn’t work on Macs or consoles (unlike Dolby Atmos for Headphones, which works on Windows 10 and the Xbox One).

Razer THX Spatial Audio App


The app has four main tabs: Audio, EQ, Calibration, and Demo. The Audio tab controls simulated surround for each program that outputs audio. You can toggle between Stereo and Spatial Audio (simulated surround) individually for any game or other piece of software, or disable Spatial Audio entirely and output everything in stereo with no simulated surround effect. The tab also has a Test button where you can listen to a helicopter flying around you in Stereo and Spatial Audio modes to compare them.

For some reason, apps that output audio default to Stereo when THX Spatial Audio detects them. This means that, for games, you’re probably going to have to alt+tab out of your game once it’s loaded to make sure it’s set to Spatial Audio instead of Stereo to get the full effect. Fortunately, you only have to do this once for each game or program (though it’s odd that it doesn’t automatically set everything to Spatial Audio, since it’s one of the app’s big draws).

The EQ tab offers a 10-band EQ with four presets (Default, Game, Movie, and Music), and the ability to create your own custom EQ presets. The tab also lets you toggle three additional audio processing features (Bass Boost, Sound Normalization, and Vocal Clarity), with adjustment dials for each. It’s a robust selection of tweaks, but without a test button on this tab you have to run some media in the background while making changes to hear them.

The Calibration tab lets you individually position seven virtual speakers around your head to produce the best simulated surround effect, and even tweak the audio of each virtual speaker if you wish (perhaps useful if one ear is weaker than the other). A Distance slider changes the virtual distance of each speaker to your ear, tweaking acoustics and reverb to give the sense of the audio source being closer or farther away. A Test button on this tab lets you listen to the sound of a helicopter at each virtual speaker’s position while making adjustments. It’s a shame some form of the button isn’t on the EQ tab.

Razer THX Spatial Audio App

The Audio, EQ, and Calibration options all provide more choice than the Dolby Access app does. The Dolby app doesn’t let you individually choose which programs have stereo and which have simulated surround audio, it doesn’t let you tweak the distance and position of simulated speakers, it doesn’t have a separate bass boost function from the EQ, and it only offers three custom EQ slots. 

The Demo tab simply runs a video mixed with THX Spatial Audio. It shows two robots playing with a heavy ball in a room, demonstrating the simulated surround effect as the robots hover around and thump the heavy ball on the floor. It’s a cute demo, but it doesn’t have any effect on your general listening experience with the app itself.


I tested Razer THX Spatial Audio with the JBL Quantum 800 wireless gaming headset, disabling its own QuantumEngine software to rely on the THX Spatial Audio processing. I played some Doom (2016) with Spatial Audio enabled through the app, tweaking EQ presets and other audio settings as I played.

Doom sounds very good through Razer THX Spatial Audio, both in terms of audio balance and the simulated surround effect. The JBL Quantum 800 is an excellent headset, but I found that its bass sounds flat unless you use its QuantumEngine software to select its Bass Boost EQ preset. Without the headset-specific software, I selected the more sculpted Game EQ preset in the app and enabled the Bass Boost feature, which properly pumped up the headset’s bass to give explosions and demon growls a proper feeling of force.

The Spatial Audio effect also comes through very well. Like almost all headset-simulated surround sound, it produces the surround effect with clever panning between the left and right ears while adding slight effects and delays to the audio to provide a better sense of directionality and distance. It didn’t perfectly reproduce the sense of an audio source coming from directly in front of or behind me, but it provided surprisingly accurate positional imaging as I fought demons in Doom. I could pick out the direction from which each enemy was approaching me, and I even heard the whine of a relic I had walked by, panning across my left ear as I missed it (prompting me to pick it up before I continued fighting). It’s a strong effect that rivals, if not surpasses, any simulated surround sound headset’s own software.

Teach Your Old Headset New Tricks

If you don’t already have a gaming headset that supports spatial audio (like the Razer Kraken Ultimate), the Razer THX Spatial Audio app is absolutely worth considering. It works with any headset or pair of headphones you can connect to your PC, and provides both excellent simulated surround sound and user-adjustable EQ with additional audio enhancement features. For just $20, it’s an inexpensive way to add functionality and customizability to your PC audio without buying extra equipment, earning it our Editors’ Choice.

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