January 17, 2025


Sapiens Digital

Ubisoft Sues Apple, Google for Selling Rainbow Six Siege Clone

When a developer finds a clone of their game on mobile app stores, they can end up fighting a frustrating losing battle trying to get Google and Apple to remove the offending game. However, when it’s Ubisoft doing the fighting, frustration results in a lawsuit.

As Eurogamer reports, Ubisoft has decided to file a lawsuit against Google and Apple for failing to take down a game the developer/publisher claims is a copy of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. The offending game is called Area F2 – Global Launch and it’s available in the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store in free-to-play form with in-app purchases. You can watch the game trailer below:

Area F2 was released by Ejoy.com, which has a registered address located in Hong Kong. As far as Ubisoft is concerned, the game is a clone of Rainbow Six Siege and so close to the source material it’s impossible to dispute Area F2 is a copy. A spokesperson for Ubisoft explained, “R6S is among the most popular competitive multiplayer games in the world, and is among Ubisoft’s most valuable intellectual properties … Virtually every aspect of AF2 is copied from R6S, from the operator selection screen to the final scoring screen, and everything in between.”

However, both Goolge and Apple have apparently refused to remove the game from their respective app stores, so Ubisoft is sending in the lawyers. The question to ask now is, who’s right here? Ubisoft may be claiming the game copies their property and counts as copyright infringement, but that needs to be backed up with clear evidence beyond “it looks and plays the same.” For both Google and Apple to refuse to take down the game, it suggests Ubisoft doesn’t have a very strong case. As for the development team behind Area F2, for now they are staying quiet.

Further Reading

Mobile Game Reviews

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