Last year, the Defense Department unveiled infrared videos recorded by the U.S. Navy depicting encounters with numerous "unidentified aerial phenomena."...
Welcome back to our "Life in 2050" series, where we examine how changes that are anticipated for the coming decades...
Wherever we go, life finds a way.When humans evolved, scientists believe, it was also nature finding a way to organize...
Doooo, an artist and musician in Japan, uses silicone and resin to create robots that are eerily human-like. If the...
In the last decade, scientists have discovered more than 3,650 confirmed exoplanets – that's more than one a day. The first...
Once untreated, wastewater that is produced by various industries can be highly hazardous for nature, contaminating water sources and the...
Welcome back to the "Life in 2050" series! So far, we've looked at how ongoing developments in science, technology, and...
Welcome to the second installment in the "Life in 2050" series! In the first installment, we looked at how advances...
Since the dawn of civilization, human beings have been going to war with each other. This is not to say...
NASA's Perseverance has several mission goals, but one of its most important was established long before it landed on Mars...