Employing Some Resume Tricks Can Help Land You a New Job
With so many people looking for jobs right now, you want every advantage you can get over other candidates. ResumeLab surveyed over 1,000 people on their resume and LinkedIn habits to see what worked best for them while trying to find work.
The survey was taken this past spring, and the majority of respondents (66 percent) were actively job hunting. For most, this of course meant that they had updated their resumes (54.3 percent).
Those who reported the most success in getting offers said they had hired a professional resume writer; the 19.5 percent who said they had done so received 3.3 offers on average. Candidates who included data in the form of charts, graphs, or diagrams received about 3.2 offers.
While these are not commonly employed tactics, they may be ones you might want to add to other strategies, such as tailoring your resume for each job application, adding keywords to it, optimizing formatting for applicant-tracking systems, and having others who know your industry review your resume.
While all of this is practically a full-time job in itself, it’s also important not to ignore LinkedIn. Of those surveyed, just 59.6 percent said their profiles on the site were fully representative of them. LinkedIn is a crucial tool for many, particularly those who earn the most. While income isn’t a result of the frequency of updates, adopting the habits of high earners can be of benefit.
Enhancing a LinkedIn profile with your latest skills, examples of your recent work, and data and keeping it updated periodically can make a difference in the effectiveness of your search and are among the top things you should do to make yourself appealing to prospective employers on the site.
Times are certainly challenging, and giving yourself every advantage you can (and a break) will be useful in your search.