15 Tech Leaders Share Where They’d Start A New Tech-Focused Business
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The technology industry never stops changing and growing, and there is always a fresh crop of entrepreneurs with new products or updated solutions for business and consumer needs. While Silicon Valley still plays an outsized role in the industry, today’s tech marketplace is global, and startup founders have many factors to consider when deciding where to set up shop.
Just as there is no single defining feature of a successful tech company, there also isn’t a single right or best choice when it comes to a location for a new tech business. Entrepreneurs may have one or more compelling reasons for their ultimate choice, ranging from logistics to finances and even personal preference. Here, 15 members of Forbes Technology Council share the locations they’d choose to start a brand-new tech-focused business, and why.
1. Africa
I would choose Africa—either Rwanda or Kenya. I grew up there and have a personal attachment to the continent. The other, more pragmatic reason is the huge talent pool. This is largely untapped or is only just starting to be tapped. Tech giants such as Google, Microsoft and AWS have all opened operations there within the last year. The Silicon Savannah is booming, and there is electricity in the air. – Tishampati Dhar, Aerometrex LTD.
2. Atlanta, Georgia
When starting a tech-focused business, you need an abundance of talent, multiple universities creating new talent, a city ecosystem that wants young tech companies and a lifestyle that attracts people and families. Many cities have this. What puts Atlanta over the top is that it has a diverse talent pool with top-notch skills. If you want an atmosphere that is less “tech-bro” and more “people,” hire in Atlanta. – David Moise, Decide Consulting
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3. Austin, Texas
I’d consider Austin, Texas. There are thousands of graduates with degrees in engineering and computer science from Texas University. Additionally, Texas does not have a corporate income tax, which encourages businesses to expand as it means higher profits and wider opportunities. Furthermore, the presence of numerous big tech companies in Austin translates to an increased availability of vendors and suppliers. – Roman Taranov, Ruby Labs
4. Greece
Greece would be my choice. The two largest cloud providers selected Greece to build new data centers while supporting the local innovation hub and committing to form a regional space hub. It is a go-to destination for digital nomads and accommodates all interests. Further, its location makes it a gateway to Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East and those regions’ resources, making it an ideal location to start a tech business. – Spiros Liolis, Micro Focus
5. Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles is already home to nearly every type of industry. It offers a rich pool of talent and is seeing a growing influx of funding. Outside of traditional business reasons, LA’s ideal year-round weather is more conducive to in-person meetings and helps team members stay more productive and happy. – Suchit Tuli, Quantime
6. Miami, Florida
Miami offers everything you need to start a tech business: great weather, access to capital, a robust tech ecosystem, a crypto-loving mayor, university graduates, no personal income tax and a sky-high quality of life. It’s no wonder Bay Area entrepreneurs are moving in, including PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel and former LinkedIn and Square executive Keith Rabois. – Adi Ekshtain, Amaryllis Payment Solutions
7. New York, New York
I would locate my new tech business in “temporary” office space in New York City. In my opinion, New York is the best, most balanced location from a tech-vibe, financial-centric and resource-availability perspective. – Mark Schlesinger, Broadridge Financial Solutions
8. Poland
I would choose Poland—specifically, the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Poland is a country of people who are ambitious and talented when it comes to tech and business. Historical events have made the Polish people believe that there is nothing they can’t do. IT firms are working together to create a “Polish Digital Valley,” and local competitors exchange knowledge and form partnerships to deliver projects for global clients and build an IT brand for Poland. – Robert Strzelecki, TenderHut
9. Silicon Valley
For me, it’s a no-brainer: The place to be for tech companies is still Silicon Valley. It’s not the funding alone. The ecosystem of engineering and partnerships are what made—and continue to make—Silicon Valley the most respected role model in the tech startup world. – Shanmugavel Sankaran, FixNix Inc.
10. The Cloud
Simply put, I’d start in the cloud. The pandemic has accelerated the acceptance of, and the demand for, remote work, particularly on the part of tech enthusiasts. New tech-focused businesses have the opportunity to forgo the legacy systems and setups of their predecessors in favor of purpose-built cloud-first readiness. This helps mitigate startup expenses and expands a new company’s access to talent in a highly competitive landscape. – Shaheen Yazdani, Intercept
11. Close To The Funding Source
Locate your business close to your funding source. If it’s a venture capital firm or one or more angels, you will need to meet with them many times. Or, if you’re starting a service business and expect to build revenue and customer traction right away, go where your customer is. If you’ll be working with government contracts or grants, head to Washington, D.C. A business needs to sell something to survive; identify what that is for your business, and build your strategy around it. – Steven Gustafson, Noonum, Inc.
12. A University Town
While the ability to work from anywhere exists, I believe it remains advantageous to have access to the different ways of thinking and unique approaches to problem solving that are inherent in a vibrant university town. The proximity to interns and recruitable graduates is helpful, but equally valuable is the energy and unbounded belief that problems are made to be solved that exist in these communities. – James Cioban, Cierant Corporation
13. Where The Target Customers Are
If I was starting a new tech-focused company, I would build my business where my customers spend their time. It’s impossible to be everywhere at once. However, if you understand your target audience, you can strategically base your company in a city that’s full of like-minded people and potential customers. – Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster
14. Wherever You Are Now
Open your business wherever you are now—assuming there’s talent to cultivate. People will always gravitate to the excitement and sense of purpose startups can provide, and there are people everywhere who want to make a difference. But culture starts with people, so keep in mind that in-person interactions are also extremely valuable. It’s also helpful to have potential customers around you so you can solicit feedback. – Mark Griffis, Aviture
15. Wherever Your Workforce Is
Before the pandemic, my answer would have been easy: The Bay Area has all the best attributes for startups, including access to capital and a large labor pool. Today, however, we’ve proved that we can work remotely, so my answer has changed. If I started a new venture today, I wouldn’t have a headquarters. Rather, my company would be virtual, with access to WeWorks for meetups wherever employees may be clustered. – Dave Mariani, AtScale
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